A chronology of typeface designs
The dates of design, production, and release of a typeface often differ, and additional fonts in a type family frequently follow later; therefore, many dates listed here are approximate.
Revivals of many typefaces are often named after early designers or authors. These faces were not so named during their epoch; however, their contemporary names are used here for identification purposes.
c. 1450: First Textura-style type, Johann Gutenberg
1467: First Roman-style type, Sweynheym and Pannartz
1470: Jenson, 1 Nicolas Jenson
1495: Bembo, Francesco Griffo
1499: Poliphilus, Francesco Griffo
1501: First italic type, Francesco Griffo
1514: Fraktur, Hans Schoensperger
1532: Garamond, Claude Garamond
1557: Civilité, Robert Granjon
c. 1570: Plantin, Anonymous
c. 1570: Canon d'Espagne, the Plantin Office
c. 1582: Flemish bold Roman, the Plantin Office
1616: Typi Academiae, Jean Jannon
c. 1670: Fell Roman, Peter Walpergen
1690: Janson, Nicholas Kis
1702: Romain du Roi, Philippe Grandjean
1722: Caslon Old Style, William Caslon
c. 1743: Early transitional types, Pierre Simon Fournier le Jeune
c. 1746: Fournier decorated letters, Pierre Simon Fournier le Jeune
1757: Baskerville, John Baskerville
c. 1764: Italique Moderne and Ancienne, Pierre Simon Fournier le Jeune
1768: Fry's Baskerville, Isaac Moore
c. 1780: Bodoni, Giambattista Bodoni
1784: Didot, Firmin Didot
c. 1795: Bulmer, William Martin
1796: Fry's Ornamented, RichardAustin
c. 1800: Walbaum, J. E. Walbaum ...
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