Chapter 2. Installing Ubuntu and Kubuntu

This chapter discusses how to install or simply experiment with Ubuntu or Kubuntu Linux on a new or existing 32- or 64-bit PC system. This book includes a DVD for the latest version of Ubuntu Linux at the time of this writing — sorry, Kubuntu fans! As I explain in Chapter 7 ("Using the KDE 3 Desktop") and 9 ("Managing E-mail and Personal Information with Evolution"), Kubuntu is somewhat in flux at the moment, and it was therefore impossible to pick just one Kubuntu release to include. If you want to use Kubuntu, I'll explain how to obtain an equivalent CD for the version of Kubuntu that's right for you. The Ubuntu and Kubuntu Desktop discs both work in exactly the same way, except that they feature different desktop environments and slightly different installers, so all of the information in this chapter is relevant regardless of whether you're installing or test-driving Ubuntu or Kubuntu.

The DVD included with this book, the Ubuntu 8.10 Desktop DVD, is an example of a Live CD, which is a bootable CD (or DVD, in the case of the disc included with this book) that provides a great way to experiment with a preconfigured Ubuntu installation without actually modifying your hard drive or going through the installation process. You can ...

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