Introduction to Intel’s Staffing Metrics Portfolio

New Hire Quality. The New Hire Quality metric was adapted from a Recruiting Roundtable white paper (Recruiting Roundtable 2004). (See Figure 12.2 and Table 12.2.)

Figure 12.2.

Table 12.2.
Job FitNecessary skills
Organization FitCulture/values alignment
IntegrationProcess effectiveness

This assessment of Intel’s new employees is obtained from the hiring manager and from the new employee. Survey responses are supplemented with organizational and other data to increase the value of analysis. Quality of Hire summary data provides insight into which organizations routinely do well as well as those where improvement is needed. This data provides the basis for a management conversation.

Speed of Hire. Intel’s “need for speed” is great, not only for product performance, but recruiting talent at the right time. Global Staffing implemented the Time-to-Target metric (also known as Contacted/Actual Time to Start) to ensure the speed of hire expectations are met. See Figure 12.3.

Figure 12.3.

This measure is based on the expectation that Staffing will take seriously an agreed-upon date (negotiated with the hiring manager, if necessary) when the requisition will be filled.

Time-to-Target Aid: Projected Start Date Tool. ...

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