450 Pulse Shaping
These losses are mainly associated with the coupling of the pulses into the fiber
and diffraction at the gratings. The overall transmission in the experiment cited
was about 7%.
8.1.3. Pulse Compression Using Bulk Materials
One drawback of fiber compressors is that only pulses of relatively small
energy can be handled. With fs input pulses the possible energies do not exceed
several tens of nJ. One possible solution is to spectrally broaden the pulse in
the fiber before amplification and subsequent compression as demonstrated by
Damm et al. [31] with pulses from a Nd:glass laser.
Previous attempts to use bulk materials for the chirping of high energy ps
pulses resulted in a relatively poor pulse quality at the compressor output owing
to the nonlinear chirp behavior. As discussed before, to obtain an almost linear
chirp across the main part of the pulse, a certain ratio of L
and L
is necessary.
This could be achieved by utilizing pulse propagation in single-mode fibers.
The fiber lengths needed become smaller with shorter durations of the input
pulse and, for fs pulses, are of the order of several millimeters. From Eq. (8.30)
it can easily be seen that L
if the peak intensity is kept constant. Over
such propagation distances suitably focused Gaussian beams do not change their
beam diameter much in bulk materials provided self-focusing can be neglected.
The latter limits the possible propagation lengths to those shorter than the self-
focusing length. The latter in turn can be adjusted by choosing an appropriate
spot size of the focused beam, which sets an upper limit for the maximum pulse
intensity. The maximum compression factor that can be achieved under such
conditions can be estimated to be:
0. 3
where P
is the peak power of the input pulse (cf. [32]). Figure 8.10 shows results
of a numerical evaluation of pulse compression using bulk SQ1 fused silica, and
60 fs input pulses of various energies.
Rolland and Corkum [33] demonstrated experimentally the compression of
high-power fs light pulses in bulk materials. Starting from 500 µJ, 92 fs pulses
from a dye amplifier, they obtained 20 fs compressed pulses at an energy of
100 µJ. The nonlinear sample was a 1. 2 cm piece of quartz and the pulses
were focused to a beam waist of 0. 7 mm.
At high intensities a white light continuum pulse can be generated [34] as
was discussed in Section 3.7. With fs pulses, SPM is expected to contribute

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