Pulse Amplitude and Phase Reconstruction 473
intensity autocorrelation. Obtaining such an intensity autocorrelation, however,
assumes that the beams coming from both arms of the correlator add construc-
tively toward the detector, destructively toward the source. Such a condition is
difficult to implement, because it requires subwavelength stability and accuracy
in controlling either arm. For this particular correlator, it is more convenient to
introduce a small tilt of either end mirror of the Michelson interferometer. Such
a tilt produces a pattern of parallel fringes at the output. Before the frequency
doubling crystal, we have thus generated a first-order correlation. The second
harmonic of such a first-order correlation is an interferometric correlation [22].
This arrangement has the advantage that one has complete control over the spac-
ing of the fringes, which can be adjusted to accommodate the spatial resolution
of the array detector used in this measurement. An example of an interferomet-
ric autocorrelation obtained with a fs UV pulse is shown in Fig. 9.7. For this
particular case, the nonlinearity is two-photon fluorescence in BaF
9.4.1. Introduction
Because the second-order autocorrelations are symmetric and do not provide
any information about the pulse asymmetry, either an additional measurement
or a new technique is required to determine the signal shape. We will start with
simple methods that complement the information of the autocorrelations, and pro-
ceed with an overview of various methods that have been introduced to provide
amplitude and phase information on fs signals. The ideal diagnostic instrument
is obviously one that would give a real time display of all pulse parameters.
Because of the ambiguity associated with an average over a large number of
pulses, a single-shot method is also desirable. The challenge in fs pulse char-
acterization is that a temporal resolution is needed that is faster than the pulse
itself. The solution, as sketched in Figure 9.8, is to apply a transfer function to
expand the signal. From the knowledge of the transfer function and the expanded
signal the shape of the original object is recovered.
As introduced in Chapter 1 a light pulse in the time domain is characterized
by its electric field
E(t) =
+ c. c. (9.29)
In this section we are concerned with the retrieval of the pulse envelope E(t) and
the time-dependent phase ϕ(t) only. The measurement and control of the absolute
phase ϕ
are described in Chapter 13.
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