Introduction 291
favor pulsed over continuous radiation. The problem with the frequency domain
picture is the difficulty to treat the various processes in the laser including the
coupling between the large number of modes to predict the pulse parameters
M, E
, v
, and φ
. Recall that the mode frequencies v
are not given by the dis-
persion of the cold cavity, cf. Eq. (5.7), but establish themselves in the process
of mode-locking. Therefore the simple picture presented in the beginning of this
chapter can only serve as a qualitative description of the mode-locking process.
We have seen in the previous section that the frequency domain picture,
in which all longitudinal modes within the gain bandwidth oscillate in phase,
is an oversimplification. The ratio of the laser cavity length to the pulse dura-
tion would be a measure of the number of modes oscillating in phase. Typically,
for a meter long laser producing a train of 100 fs pulses, there would be over
100,000 longitudinal modes contributing to the pulse bandwidth. Because of the
dispersion of the intracavity elements, the longitudinal modes are not equidis-
tant over that range. Moreover, because a real laser resonator is not infinitely
rigid, one cannot even talk of a fixed set of modes. Therefore, the most common
approach to model a mode-locked laser is to analyze, in the time domain, the
shaping mechanisms of one (sometimes more) pulse(s) traveling back and forth
in a linear cavity, or circulating in a ring cavity. This is the description that will
generally be followed in this book, and in particular in this chapter, Sections 5.2
and 5.3. In this picture the function of the cavity is not to establish a comb of
modes but rather to force the circulating field to interact periodically with the
cavity elements. Most analyses follow one of two main routes—(a) the evolution
of the pulse from noise (spontaneous emission) and (b) the characterization of a
steady state where the circulating pulse reproduces itself after an integer num-
ber (ideally one) of round trips. In either case, the result is the complex pulse
E(t) rather than the frequency domain parameters M, v
, and E
In the case of passive mode-locking, some intensity dependent loss or
dispersion mechanism is used to favor operation of pulsed over continuous
radiation. Another type of mode-locking mechanism is active: A coupling is
introduced between cavity modes, “locking” them in phase. Between these two
classes are “hybrid” and “doubly mode-locked” lasers in which both mecha-
nisms of mode-locking are used. In parallel to this categorization in “active” and
“passive” lasers, one can also classify the lasers as being modulated inside (the
most common approach) or outside (usually in a coupled cavity) the resonator.
5.1.5. Basic Elements and Operation of a fs Laser
There are a few basic elements essential to a fs laser:
a broadband (v
1 THz) gain medium,
a laser cavity,

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