Circulating Pulse Model 295
Even though the transient evolution toward steady state may take thousands
of round-trips, the modeling can generally be implemented with a personal
computer. The main disadvantage of a computer model that includes a plethora of
processes is that it is difficult to get a clear physical picture of the laser operation.
5.2.2. Continuous Model
If the change in electric field introduced by each element of the cavity, at each
round-trip, is small, the pulse evolution can be modeled by a differential equation.
An additional simplification is to assume that the pulse evolves along the mode of
a stable cavity, and thus the spatial pulse evolution is decoupled from the temporal
evolution. Because the change per element and per round-trip is assumed to be
infinitesimal, the order of the elements in the cavity does not matter, and the
laser is equivalent to an infinitely long medium, in which the resonator elements
are uniformly distributed (Figure 5.8). This “continuous model” in which the
resonator elements are replaced by a uniform medium is similar to the propagation
of a pulse in a fiber.
The continuous model is aimed at searching for a stationary pulse, which is
a shape-preserving signal propagating through this model medium. Such a pulse
is called a soliton of first order or fundamental soliton. Pulses that reproduce
after a certain periodicity length are labeled solitons of higher order. In an actual
laser, the “higher-order solitons” will reproduce after a given number of res-
onator round trips. We have seen some examples of solitons in Chapters 3 and
4. One of the simplest cavity model leading to solitons is that of a laser with
linear gain balancing linear losses and a combination of SPM and dispersion.
This particular soliton model and the related equations are discussed in more
detail in the following section.
Linear loss
Figure 5.8 Representation of a fs laser as an infinitely long medium with the distributed properties
of the cavity.

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