

* (asterisk)

indicating message iteration, 258259

indicating unlimited upper value of range, 127

multiplication operation, OCL, 615, 617

multiplication operator, OCL, 596

zero or more operator, XML, 737

{} (braces)

enclosing constraints, 71, 175176

enclosing ordering for multiplicity, 128, 129

enclosing properties, 116117, 139

enclosing state invariant, 286288

enclosing tagged values, 70

enclosing uniqueness for multiplicity, 129

^ (caret), indicating message has been sent, 598599, 608609

->, collection property, 606

: (colon)

indicating attribute type, 135

indicating operation parameter type, 148

between object name and class name, 223

between role name and interface specifier in association, 172

, (comma), strict ordering operator, XML, 737

^^ (double caret), indicating set of messages sent, 608, 609

:: (double colon)

indicating value of an enumeration, 598

between nested substates, 356

between package name and class name, 112

-- (double dash), indicating comment in OCL, 71

… (ellipse), indicating more subclasses, 203204

= (equal sign)

equal to operation, OCL

for Bag, 624

for ModelElement types, 614

for OclAny, 613

for OclState, 615

for OclType, 614

for Sequence, 626

for Set, 621

indicating default value of attribute, 137138

in properties, 116117

in tagged values, 70

>= (greater than or equal to sign)

greater than or equal to operation, OCL, 617

greater than or equal to operator, OCL, 596

> (greater than sign)

greater than operation, OCL, 616

greater than ...

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