References – Part II
Almond, R.G. (1995) Graphical Belief Models, Chapman & Hall, London.
Anoop, M.B. and Rao, K.B. (2008) Determination of bounds on failure probability in the presence of hybrid uncertainties. Sadhana, 33, 753–765.
Aven, T. (2008a) Risk Analysis: Assessing Uncertainties Beyond Expected Values and Probabilities, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, Chichester.
Aven, T. (2008b) A semi-quantitative approach to risk analysis, as an alternative to QRAs. Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 93, 768–775.
Aven, T. (2011a) Quantitative Risk Assessment: The Scientific Platform, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
Aven, T. (2011b) Selective critique of risk assessments with recommendations for improving methodology and practice. Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 96, 509–514.
Aven, T. (2011c) Interpretations of alternative uncertainty representations in a reliability and risk analysis context. Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 96, 353–360.
Aven, T. (2012a) Foundations of Risk Analysis, 2nd edn, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, Chichester.
Aven, T. (2013a) How to define and interpret a probability in a risk and safety setting. Safety Science, 51, 223–231. Discussion paper, with general introduction by Associate Editor Genserik Reniers.
Aven, T. (2013b) Practical implications of the new risk perspectives. Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 115, 136–145.
Aven, T. and Zio, E. (2011) Some considerations on the treatment of uncertainties in risk assessment for practical ...