1 Why should managers adopt an Agile approach?
“When a man is alive, he is soft and supple.
When he dies, the body becomes hard and stiff.
When a plant is alive, it is soft and flexible.
When it is dead, it becomes dry and brittle.
Therefore, hard and rigid shall lead to death.
Soft and gentle shall lead to life. Lao Tzu”
As a leader and manager, I feel that I need to understand a situation, concept or new tool before deciding whether it is right for my organization. This also helps me to decide on the approach to take to introduce it. With this in mind, I will spend this introductory chapter defining Agile.
There are a lot of misconceptions about Agile. For example, I have heard people say, ‘We are Agile – we use Kanban boards,’ but everything ...
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