Chapter 9

A1: A. The condition of having lastname starting with the letter P returns two rows. However, the result set is further reduced to one row to obtain the only record that has a salary greater than $38,500.
A2: D. Unknown values are identified by NULL. You verify the nullability of a value by checking IS NULL. The values '' and "" are known values of empty strings.
A3: C. Selecting from an UPDATE, DELETE, or INSERT statement is an SQL enhancement available in DB2 Version 8.1 FixPak 4 or later. If the statement is executed on DB2 Version 8.1 with an earlier FixPak, it will fail. With FixPak 4 or later, the statement will execute the DELETE statement and return the number of rows removed.
A4: C. An INTERSECT operation retrieves the matching ...

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