Chapter 8
Using CEOS to advance knowledge
This chapter provides a brief summary overview of CEOS theory and then focusses on research issues both related to what we need to be measuring, and around a better understanding of the complexities of HTM behaviours with the aim of developing better interventions; both self-help strategies and interventions from change agents to enhance self-regulatory capacities.
Key features of CEOS theory
Central to CEOS theory is the notion that OS processes are continually reactive to the context (environment) plus influences on ES conceptualisations of the situation, resulting in change in the levels of impulses to act in various ways. The framework of CEOS is about understanding the potential of people to gain greater conscious control over the way they live their lives, including how external interventions (tools, advice and support) can help them to do so. That is, it is about understanding the existing limits of self-regulation by the ES and finding ways to enhance its functioning. The actions of the ES are grounded in conscious experience and operate to influence the behaviour in a quasi-teleological manner around linguistically created goals. This creates the partial freedom individuals have to follow ideas, rather than be completely constrained by the context that their OS is cued to respond to. However, executive decisions are dependent on operational processes for their implementation. Thus, to allow the ES to operate most effectively, both ...
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