© Edward Sciore 2020
E. ScioreUnderstanding Oracle APEX 20 Application Developmenthttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-6165-1_3

3. Regions

Edward Sciore1 
Newton Center, MA, USA

A page’s content is divided into rectangular areas called regions . Consider, for example, the APEX SQL Workshop home screen of Figure 1-3, which shows seven regions. Six of these regions have titles: Recently Created Tables, Recent SQL Commands, Recent SQL Scripts, About, Schema, and Create Object. The seventh region, which contains the five large buttons, is untitled.

Each region has a type that denotes what kind of content it can contain. The regions in Figure 1-3 belong to three different region types:
  • The Recently Created Tables, Recent SQL Commands, and Recent SQL Scripts ...

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