Understanding SOA with Web Services

Book description

Praise for Understanding SOA with Web Services

"This book does the best job of describing not only "where we are" in the timeline of enterprise integration efforts, but also providing strategic guidance for where we need to be. The authors have worked diligently to break down the integration problem into functional areas, and send you down the path of strategic integration utilizing XML Web Services and Service-Oriented Architecture as the vehicle of choice. You will love this book!"

Daniel Edgar, Architect, Portland General Electric

"E-Government needs a comprehensive guide to SOA with Web Services standards and best practices for implementation to get from the current "as is" to the future "to be" architecture. This book meets that need superbly."

Brand Niemann, Ph.D., Co-Chair, Semantic (Web Services) Interoperability Community of Practice, U.S. Federal CIO Council.

"There are many books on SOA available today, but Understanding SOA with Web Services stands out from the pack because of its thorough, outstanding coverage of transactions, reliability, and process. Where most SOA books focus on integration and architecture basics, Lomow and Newcomer fearlessly dive into these more advanced, yet critical, topics, and provide a depth of treatment unavailable anywhere else."

Jason Bloomberg, Senior Analyst, ZapThink LLC

"This book provides a wealth of content on Web Services and SOA not found elsewhere. Although the book is technical in nature, it is surprisingly easy to read and digest. Managers who would like to keep up with the most effective technical strategies will find this book required reading."

Hari Mailvaganam, University of British Columbia, Vancouver

"I have been teaching companies and lecturing on SOA and XML Web Services for years and sort of felt at home with these technologies. I didn't think anyone else could teach me anything more significant about either of them. This book surprised me. If a person teaching SOA and Web Services can learn something from this book, you can too. This book is a must-read for all architects, senior developers, and concerned CTOs."

Sayed Y. Hashimi, SOA Consultant

"Newcomer and Lomow are no doubt the industry luminaries on the topics of Web Services, Service-Oriented Architecture, and integration. This book is sure to be a must-have for developers and architects looking to take advantage of the coming wave of standards-based, loosely coupled integration."

Ronald Schmelzer, Senior Analyst, ZapThink, LLC
Author of XML and Web Services Unleashed (Sams, 2002)

"The author makes it quite clear: SOA is an organizational principle and Web Service technology is a means to realize enterprise solutions according to this. SOA is the federative concept of nature and efficient societies. The book is an excellent starting-point to discover the new world of an IT-infrastructure adjusted to efficient business strategies and processes in a global value-add network."

Johann Wagner, Senior Architect, Siemens Business Services Author of Föderative Unternehmensprozesse

"Finally, here's a third-generation Web services book that delivers pragmatic solutions using SOAs. Newcomer and Lomow draw from their years of real-world experience ranging from developing Web services standards to hands-on applications. Listen to them."

DOUG KAYE, author of Loosely Coupled: The Missing Pieces of Web Services
Host and producer, IT Conversations (www.itconversations.com)

The definitive guide to using Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) and Web services technologies to simplify IT infrastructure and improve business agility. Renowned experts Eric Newcomer and Greg Lomow offer practical strategies and proven best practices for every facet of SOA planning and implementation. Newcomer and Lomow pick up where Newcomer's widely read Understanding Web Servicesleft off, showing how to fully leverage today's latest Web services standards for metadata management, security, reliable messaging, transactions, and orchestration.

Along the way, they present specific approaches and solutions for a wide range of enterprise integration and development challenges, including the largest and most complex.

Coverage includes

  • Why SOA has emerged as the dominant approach to enterprise integration

  • How and why Web services provide the ideal foundation for SOA

  • Underlying concepts shared by all SOAs: governance, service contracts, Web services platforms, service-oriented development, and more

  • Implementing service-level communications, discovery, security, data handling, transaction management, and system management

  • Using SOA to deliver application interoperability, multichannel client access, and business process management

  • Practical tutorials on WS-Security, WS-Reliable Messaging, WS-AtomicTransactions, WS-Composite Application Framework, WS-Addressing, WS-Policy, and WS-BPEL

  • Whether you're an architect, developer, or IT manager, Understanding SOA with Web Serviceswill help you get SOA right—and achieve both the business and technical goals you've set for it.

    © Copyright Pearson Education. All rights reserved.

    Table of contents

    1. Copyright
      1. Dedication
    2. Praise for Understanding SOA with Web Services
    3. Independent Technology Guides
    4. Preface
    5. Acknowledgments
    6. About the Authors
    7. Introduction
      1. What’s in the Book
        1. Organization of the Book
          1. Chapter 1—Introduction to SOA with Web Services
        2. Part I
          1. Chapter 2—Overview of Service-Oriented Architecture
          2. Chapter 3—SOA and Web Services
          3. Chapter 4—SOA and Web Services for Integration
          4. Chapter 5—SOA and Multi-Channel Access
          5. Chapter 6—SOA and Business Process Management
        3. Part II
          1. Chapter 7—Metadata Management
          2. Chapter 8—Web Services Security
          3. Chapter 9—Advanced Messaging
          4. Chapter 10—Transaction Processing
    8. 1. Introduction to SOA with Web Services
      1. The Service-Oriented Enterprise
      2. Service-Oriented Development
        1. Service Abstraction
      3. Service-Oriented Architecture
        1. What Are Services?
        2. What is Service-Oriented Architecture?
        3. Challenges to Adoption
      4. SOA and Web Services
      5. Rapid Integration
      6. Multi-Channel Access
        1. Occasionally Connected Computing
      7. Business Process Management
      8. Extended Web Services Specifications
        1. Standardization
        2. Specification Composability
        3. Metadata Management
          1. Addressing
          2. Policy
          3. Acquiring Metadata
        4. Security
        5. Reliability and Messaging
        6. Transactions
        7. Orchestration
      9. Summary
    9. I. SOA and Business Process Management Concepts
      1. 2. Overview of Service-Oriented Architecture
        1. Service-Oriented Business and Government
        2. Service-Oriented Architecture Concepts
          1. SOA Processes, Principles, and Tools
          2. Services
          3. Line of Business Services
          4. Reusable Technical Services
          5. Service Contracts
          6. Web Services Platform
          7. Service Requesters and Service Providers
          8. Approved Products, Technologies, and Facilities
        3. Service Governance, Processes, Guidelines, Principles, Methods, and Tools
          1. SOA Governance Policies and Processes
          2. SOA Principles and Guidelines
        4. Key Service Characteristics
          1. Primary Characteristics
            1. Loosely Coupled Services
            2. Well-Defined Service Contracts
            3. Meaningful to the Service Requester
            4. Open, Standards-Based
          2. Secondary Characteristics
            1. Predictable Service-Level Agreements
            2. Dynamic, Discoverable, Metadata-Driven
            3. Design Service Contracts with Related Services in Mind
            4. Implementation Independent of Other Services
            5. Consider the Need for Compensating Transactions
            6. Design for Multiple Invocation Styles
            7. Design Stateless Services
            8. Design Services with Performance in Mind
          3. SOA Guidelines for Service Requesters
          4. SOA Guidelines for Legacy Systems and Legacy Services
        5. Technical Benefits of a Service-Oriented Architecture
          1. Efficient Development
          2. More Reuse
          3. Simplified Maintenance
          4. Incremental Adoption
          5. Graceful Evolution
        6. Service-Oriented Architecture—Business Benefits
          1. Increased Business Agility
          2. Better Business Alignment
          3. Improved Customer Satisfaction
          4. Reduced Vendor Lock-In and Reduced Switching Costs
          5. Reduced Integration Costs
          6. Improved ROI of Existing IT Assets
        7. Summary
      2. 3. SOA and Web Services
        1. The Web Services Platform
          1. Elements of the Web Services Platform
          2. Web Services Platform Principles
        2. Service Contracts
          1. Service Contract Elements
          2. Elements of Service Contract
          3. For Each Operation
          4. Documenting and Defining Service Contracts
          5. Service Contract Principles
          6. Service Contracts Focus on Service-Level Abstractions
          7. WSDL and Service Contracts
          8. WSDL Service Contract Architecture
          9. Example WSDL Service Contract—Calendar Service
        3. Service-Level Data Model
          1. Relationship Between Service-Level Data Models and Internal Data Models
          2. Reconciling Disparate Data Models Across Different Service Domains
          3. Using XML-Related Technologies for the Service-Level Data Model and Data Handling
        4. Service Discovery—Registration and Lookup
        5. Service-Level Security
        6. Service-Level Interaction Patterns
          1. A Quick Look at SOAP and HTTP
          2. Request/Response Interactions
          3. Request/Callback Interaction Paradigm
          4. Asynchronous Store-and-Forward Messaging
          5. Example Business Scenario Using Request/Response and Asynchronous Messaging
          6. Publish/Subscribe Interaction Paradigm
        7. Atomic Services and Composite Services
        8. Generating Proxies and Skeletons from Service Contracts
          1. Generating Java Classes from Service Contracts
          2. Generating C# Classes from Service Contracts
          3. Generating C++ Classes from Service Contracts
        9. Service-Level Communication and Alternative Transports
          1. WSDL Extensibility
          2. SOAP over IBM WebSphere MQ
          3. SOAP over JMS
          4. SOAP over CORBA IIOP
          5. SOAP over Tibco Rendezvous
        10. A Retrospective on Service-Oriented Architectures
          1. Overview of Selected Technologies That Have Been Used to Implement SOAs
            1. WebSphere MQ
            2. CORBA
            3. Java and J2EE
            4. B2B Platforms
          2. Detailed Comparison of SOA Technologies
        11. Summary
      3. 4. SOA and Web Services for Integration
        1. Overview of Integration
          1. Common Business Drivers for Integration
          2. Common Technical Challenges Faced During Integration
          3. Requirements That the “Ideal” Integration Solution Must Satisfy
          4. Integration Can Be Performed at Different Layers of the Technology Stack
        2. Integration and Interoperability Using XML and Web Services
        3. Two Approaches for Using XML and Web Services for Integration and Interoperability
          1. Web Services Integration (WSI)
          2. Service-Oriented Integration (SOI)
        4. Applying SOA and Web Services for Integration—.NET and J2EE Interoperability
        5. Applying SOA and Web Services for Integration—Service-Enabling Legacy Systems
          1. Example #1—CICS and IMS
          2. Example #2—CORBA
        6. Applying SOA and Web Services for Integration—Enterprise Service Bus Pattern
        7. Summary—SOA and Web Services for Integration
      4. 5. SOA and Multi-Channel Access
        1. Business Benefits of SOA and Multi-Channel Access
          1. Multi-Channel Access Reduces Staffing Costs
          2. Multi-Channel Access Eliminates Obsolete and Expensive Infrastructure
          3. Service-Oriented Architecture Reduces Costs and Improves Efficiency
        2. A Service-Oriented Architecture for Multi-Channel Access
          1. Architectural Challenges
          2. Architecture for Multi-Channel Access
        3. Client/Presentation Tier
        4. Channel Access Tier
        5. Communication Infrastructure
        6. Business Service Access Tier
        7. Business Service Tier
        8. Example—SOA for Developing Composite Applications
        9. Example—SOA for Multi-Channel Access Architecture
        10. Summary
      5. 6. SOA and Business Process Management
        1. Basic Business Process Management Concepts
          1. Business Process Management Systems
          2. Process Modeling
          3. Process Execution
          4. Process Monitoring
          5. Business Activity Monitoring
        2. Example Business Process
        3. Combining BPM, SOA, and Web Services
          1. Benefits of BPM, SOA, and Web Services
          2. Defining Atomic and Composite Services
        4. Orchestration and Choreography Specifications
          1. Comparing Web Services Orchestration and Choreography
          2. WS-BPEL
          3. Choreography Description Language
        5. Example of Web Services Composition
          1. Orchestration-Centric Approach
          2. Choreography-Centric Approach
          3. Comparing Orchestration-Centric and Choreography-Centric Approaches
        6. Part I Summary: Benefits of Combining BPM, SOA, and Web Services
          1. Individual Features and Benefits of BPM, SOA, Web Services, and XML
          2. Complementary Features and Benefits of BPM, SOA, and Web Services
    10. II. Extended Web Services Specifications
      1. 7. Metadata Management
        1. The Simple Approach to Metadata Management
          1. Using Plain SOAP and WSDL
        2. Metadata Specifications
          1. XML
          2. WSDL 2.0
          3. UDDI
          4. Addressing
            1. WS-Addressing
            2. WS-MessageDelivery
        3. Policy
          1. WS-Policy
            1. WS-PolicyFramework
            2. WS-PolicyAssertions
            3. WS-PolicyAttachment
          2. Web Services Policy Language (WSPL)
          3. WSDL 2.0 Features and Properties
          4. Comparing the Policy Specifications
        4. WS-MetadataExchange
        5. Summary
      2. 8. Web Services Security
        1. Overarching Concern
        2. Core Concepts
          1. Identity
          2. Authentication
          3. Digital Signature
        3. Summary of Challenges, Threats, and Remedies
          1. Message Interception
          2. Person in the Middle Attacks
          3. Spoofing
          4. Replay Attacks
          5. Denial-of-Service Attacks
        4. Securing the Communications Layer
          1. IP Layer Security
          2. Transport-Level Security
        5. Message-Level Security
          1. The WS-Security Framework
          2. WS-SecurityPolicy
          3. WS-Trust
          4. WS-SecureConversation
          5. WS-Federation
          6. Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML)
          7. XACML: Communicating Policy Information
          8. XML Key Management Specification (XKMS)
        6. Data-Level Security
          1. XML Encryption
          2. XML Signature
        7. Summary
      3. 9. Advanced Messaging
        1. Reliable Messaging
          1. Overview
          2. Concepts and Technologies
            1. Guaranteed Message Delivery
            2. Retries
            3. Message IDs
            4. Duplicate Elimination
            5. Message Ordering
            6. Message Priority
            7. Message Status
            8. Message Correlation
            9. Reply Address
          3. Benefits of Reliable Messaging
          4. Usage Scenarios for Reliable Messaging
            1. Long-Running Business Transactions (#1 in Figure 9-2)
            2. Application Integration and Data Synchronization (#2 in Figure 9-2)
            3. Business-to-Business Integration (#3 in Figure 9-2)
            4. Mobile Workers and Occasionally Connected Users (#4 in Figure 9-2)
          5. Web Services Reliable Messaging Specifications
            1. WS-ReliableMessaging
            2. Web Services Reliability
            3. ebXML Messaging Service
            4. Comparing the Specifications
          6. Comparing Web Services Reliable Messaging and Asynchronous Message Queuing
        2. Notification
          1. WS-Eventing
          2. WS-Notification
        3. Mobile Workers and Occasionally Connected Computing
        4. Summary
      4. 10. Transaction Processing
        1. Overview
        2. The Transaction Paradigm
        3. Impact of Web Services on Transactions
        4. Protocols and Coordination
          1. Activity
          2. Context
          3. Addressing
          4. Policy
          5. Coordination
          6. Protocol Types
        5. Transaction Specifications
          1. The Web Services Coordinator
          2. WS-AtomicTransaction
          3. WS-BusinessActivity
          4. WS-Context
          5. WS-Coordination Framework
          6. WS-Transaction Management
            1. ACID
            2. LRA
            3. Business Process Transactions
        6. Summary
    11. Bibliography
      1. Books
      2. Technology References
      3. Articles
      4. Specifications
        1. General
        2. Metadata
      5. Security
        1. Reliability
        2. Notification
        3. Transactions
        4. Orchestration
        5. Orchestration Historical References
          1. WfMC, Wf-XML, and XPDL
          2. RosettaNet
      6. Other Resources

    Product information

    • Title: Understanding SOA with Web Services
    • Author(s): Eric Newcomer, Greg Lomow
    • Release date: December 2004
    • Publisher(s): Addison-Wesley Professional
    • ISBN: None