CHAPTER 17 Y Redefine the Metrics of Success
Stephanie Holland
It's 2013 and we're in transition, caught in the slipstream of a global financial crisis and broken promises. Late twenty- and thirty-somethings no longer dream of a lifelong career, financial security and owning our own home. Many of us are faced with job insecurity, credit card and student debt, and no chance in hell at getting on the housing ladder.
The system is broken, but this climate is a catalyst for an awakening of consciousness. We are actively opting out and taking control. We can't have — nor do we want — what our parents had. We don't want to work harder and longer; we want to work passionately and purposefully. We want to create, build and grow our lives, businesses, products and services in a world that we care about.
We care about people. Community. Environment. Sustainability. And we're taking it all on our personal quest for a greater meaning and purpose behind what we do. We're placing greater emphasis on the why and the how. And a new breed of consumer is 100 per cent behind us. The meaning behind the products and services we're offered is important to us.
Unlike the generations ...
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