14I'll be Back (Again and Again): ‘S’chwarzenegger Curves

‘For me life is continuously being hungry. The meaning of life is not simply to exist, to survive, but to move ahead, to go up, to achieve, to conquer’.

— Arnold Schwarzenegger

Arnold Schwarzenegger grew up in war-torn Austria, the son of Gustav, an alcoholic police chief and one-time member of the Nazi Party. Gustav wanted Arnold to follow in his footsteps and become a police officer and wished Arnold would be more like his soccer-playing brother. Arnold had other plans and wanted to leave Austria and pursue his mighty vision.

He conceived this vision when he was just fifteen. He was inspired by a bodybuilding magazine which featured a former champion bodybuilder, Reg Park, who went on to become a movie star. When Arnold saw this, he felt that inner calling, an inkling that change was afoot. He realised this might be his ticket to America. Reg Park had the plan all laid out and all Arnold had to do was follow that plan, easy right?

First, he would become the best bodybuilder in the world and then the highest-paid movie star of all time. Arnold's vison was so powerful that it gave him the mental strength to overcome years of resistance and ridicule by his father. Like Walt Disney before him, although his vision was clear he still had many obstacles to overcome.

When Gustav forced Arnold to join the army, it was another obstacle he had to surmount. How could Arnold have time to train to become Mr. Universe if he spent ...

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