dot (.) (see full stop)
dotted numbers, 490
double diacritics, 422
Dsrt (Deseret) script code, 347
dt (Decomposition Type), 222
Dublin Core (DC), 372
DUCET (Default Unicode Collation Element
Table), 262
Dutch language, 356
ISO 639-1 code, 376
dynamic compositions, 160, 230
ea (East Asian Width), 222, 300
East Asian Characters (see CJK)
East Asian Width (ea), 222, 300
EBCDIC, 134, 312, 321
ECMA, 122
ECMA (European Computer Manufacturers’
ECMAScript (JavaScript) and, 578
ECMAScript (see JavaScript)
ecmascript subtype, 500
editors, 114–115, 441
efficiency, 157–159
Egyd script code, 347
Egyh script code, 347
Egyp script code, 347
el (Greek) ISO 639-1 code, 376
ellipsis points (...), 359, 435
EM (end of medium) character, 406
em dash (—), 127, 358, 359, 434
Ctrl-Q method, 91
email, 52, 385
defaults and, 505
headers, 507–508, 507, 516
Internet and, 150
protocol headers and, 545
sending Unicode, 54
embedded fonts, 36
embedded information, 338
emergency breaks, 277
en (English) ISO 639-1 code, 376
EN (European number) Bidi Class values, 269
en dash (–), 74, 99, 127, 434
spacing between characters and, 104
encoding negotiation, 545
encodings, 50–58, 119–154, 125, 142, 301–
algorithms for UTF-8, 306
ASCII, 121
auto-detecting, 326
B, 548
choosing, 326–329
common choices of, 152
conversions between, 311
information about, 504
Internet, 149
Q, 547
schemes, 301
English language, 356
ISO 639-1 code, 376
ENQ (enquiry) character, 405
enriched text, 500
entity references, 110–114, 557
enumeration, 221
eo (Esperanto) ISO 639-1 code, 376
EOF indicator (C), 568
EOT (end of transmission) character, 405
equals sign (=), 393
equals(Object) method, 585
equivalent sequences, 160
ES (European number separator) Bidi Class
value, 269
es (Spanish) ISO 639-1 code, 376
ESC (escape), 120, 406
escape (ESC), 406
escape mechanisms/notations/sequences, 105–
114, 149, 399, 555
Esperanto language, 356
ISO 639-1 code, 376
estimated symbol (), 425
Estonian language, 356
ET (European number terminator) Bidi Class
value, 269
ETB (end of transmission block) character,
Ethi (Ethiopic) script code, 347
ETX (end of text) character, 405
EU (European Union), 537
EUC-JP encoding for Japanese, 145
EUC-TW encoding for Chinese, 145
euro sign (€), 410, 450
euro-currency sign (), 450
eurocents, 410
European alphabetic scripts, 414
664 | Index

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