Phnx script code, 348
phonemes, 416
phonetic characters, 450
phonetic transcription, 366
PHP, 579
physical records (lines), 439
physical symbols, 410–412
Pi General Category value, 218
pilcrow sign (¶), 413
pipe (|), 147, 402
Pird script code, 348
pl (Polish) ISO 639-1 code, 376
plain text, 44, 198, 460, 497
database files and, 228
design principles and, 160
email, sending, 55
line breaks and, 273
plain subtype for, 500
planes, 175
plus sign (+), 397
catenation operator and, 576
plus-minus sign (±), 412
PO (Postfix) LineBreak property value, 280
Po General Category value, 218
pointers (C), 569
Polish language, 357
ISO 639-1 code, 376
Portable Document Format (PDF), 46
Portuguese language, 357
ISO 639-1 code, 376
POSIX specifications, 623
post composition version precomposed
characters, 250
POST method, 599
Postel, Jon, 384
PostScript, 106
PostScript Type 1, 34
pound sign (£), 410, 450
PR (Prefix) LineBreak property value, 280
precomposed characters, 231, 250
preparedness principle, 585–592
primary composite character, 249
primary language codes, 377
printer fonts, 63
private use code points, 182, 185
program commands, 83–91
programming, 219, 553–631
hyphen-minus and, 434
line structuring, 439
markup, generating, 559
quotation marks and, 398
regular expressions and, 614
tilde and, 401
properties, 17, 215–300, 296
case, 251–256
overview of, 219–230
summary of, 220–227
property-driven processing, 589–591
PropertyAliases.txt file, 220
PropertyNames.txt file, 221
PropList.txt file, 221
proportional attribute, 32
provisional properties, 220
prs.fallenstein.rst subtype, 500
prs.lines.tags subtype, 500
PS (paragraph separator), 441, 484
Ps General Category value, 218
pt (Portuguese) ISO 639-1 code, 376
punctuation, 336, 409
General Punctuation block, 425
Punycode, 312, 322–323
PuTTY, 524
Q encoding, 547
Qaai (Inherited) script code, 345
Qabx script code, 348
QMark (Quotation Mark), 226
QP (Quoted Printable), 312, 317
quoted-printable Content-Transfer-
Encoding value, 515
QU LineBreak property value, 280
quasi-markup, 462
question mark (?), 397
quotation mark ("), 397
Quotation Mark (QMark), 226
quotation marks (“”), 99, 431
quotations, 7
Quoted Printable (QP), 312, 317
quoted-printable Content-Transfer-
Encoding value, 515
R (right-to-left) Bidi Class value, 269
Radical, 226
raster fonts, 34
raw format (email), 508
Index | 673

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