How to do it...

To reflect the surrounding objects using the Reflection Probes, follow these steps:

  1. Import rollerBallLevel.unitypackage into a new project. Then, open the scene named scene0_level_baked. The scene features a basic environment, with a Directional Light and some green emissive lamps.
  2. Import Standard Assets into your project. We need three packages, as follows:
    • Cameras
    • Characters (we need the RollerBall, so you can uncheck FirstPersonCharacter and ThirdPersonCharacter when importing)
    • Effects (we just need the Projectors assets, so you can uncheck all other folders apart from that one when importing)
  3. Drag the RollerBall prefab from the Project panel (Standard Assets | Characters | RollerBall | Prefabs) into the scene.
  4. Drag ...

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