Creating a basic material with Standard Shader (Specular setup)
In this recipe, we will learn how to create a basic material using the new Standard Shader (Specular Setup), an Albedo map, and a Specular/Smoothness map. The material will feature both metallic and non-metallic parts, with various smoothness levels.
Getting ready
Two files have been prepared to support this recipe: a 3D model (in FBX format) of a battery, and an UVW template texture (in PNG format) to guide us when creating the diffuse texture map. 3D models and UVW templates can be made with 3D modeling software, such as 3DS MAX, Maya, or Blender. All necessary files are available in the 1362_04_01
How to do it...
To create a basic material, follow these steps:
- Import the
battery.FBX ...
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