1 The term biophilia effect is based on the biophilia hypothesis first proposed by Erich Fromm and popularized by Edward Wilson. See, for example, The Biophilia Hypothesis, by Stephen Kellert and Edward Wilson (Eds.), Island Press, 1995.

2 The seminal work on the biophilia effect is Psychology: The Briefer Course by William James, Holt, 1892. The seminal empirical work on the effect is Cognition and Environment: Functioning in an Uncertain World by Stephen Kaplan and Rachel Kaplan, Praeger Press, 1982.

3 “At Home with Nature: Effects of ‘Greenness’ on Children’s Cognitive Functioning” by Nancy Wells, Environment and Behavior, 2000, vol. 32(6).

4 “The Restorative Benefits of Nature: Toward an Integrative Framework” by Stephen Kaplan, Journal of ...

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