Bibliografía |
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ALLEN, M. (2007), The next generation of corporate universities: Innovative approaches for developing people and expanding organizational capabilities, San Francisco, Pfeiffer.
ANDERSON, F. J. (2004), Building a premier corporate university (M122), ponencia realizada en la ASTD International Conference & Expo.
CUSHING, P. (2010), Client Team Advantage: IBM’s Diagnostic Approach to Improving Sales Teams, ASTD International Conference 2010, Chicago.
LI, Ch. (2010), Open Leadership, Jossey Bass.
MEISTER, J. C. (1998), Corporate Universities: Lessons in Building a World Class Work Force, New York, McGraw-Hill.
OVERLAP (2007), Informe de tendencias de la formación, Madrid, Overlap.
OVERLAP (2011), Tendencias en Aprendizaje ...
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