Chapter 12
Putting the Book into Action: Stories from the Trenches
How many times have you read a compelling management book and then—after looking up from its pages and walking through the hallways of your workplace—thought: “Okay, where do I start?” Or even, “That would never work here.”
That is not how we roll, here at Ouellette & Associates. Our goal is to always provide tangible, actionable, real-world insights that can be applied immediately. As a busy leader, you don't have the time for theory and generic concepts. You need proven strategies and approaches that will help you change the mindset and develop the skill set your people need to help them become trusted partners who are an integral part of the business.
We're proud to say we've seen just these kinds of positive impacts occurring within the more than 3,000 IT organizations we're fortunate enough to work with, across a wide range of industries. We've seen it at St. Luke's Health System, whose transformation into a health care network depended on close alignment and real relationships among physicians, staff, and IT. With our help, the CIO led her staff—as well as key stakeholders from the health care network—through a cultural shift, from one of IT disconnect to real IT engagement. With the new relationship between IT and its clients, St. Luke's is now ready to face the daunting challenges that lie ahead in health care.
We've also seen it at Marriott, whose fast, organic growth—as well as more technologically sophisticated ...