Unloved Bull Markets

Book description

Your empowerment tool to consistently winning in the stock market

In Unloved Bull Markets: Getting Rich the Easy Way by Riding Bull Markets, a seasoned, award-winning professional money manager delivers an eye-opening and insightful take on a frequently overlooked—and critically important—investing strategy. The author walks readers through a crash-course in how to take full advantage of the greatest opportunity for wealth accumulation: a bull market.

With an emphasis on seizing investment opportunities when they actually arise, instead of just watching them recede in the rearview mirror, Unloved Bull Markets explores:

  • The economic indicators that can disguise, fuel, or end a bull market, including inflation and interest rates, the Fed and monetary policy, and unemployment
  • Six common pieces of bad information that lead investors astray and can result in missing out on some of the best market opportunities to come along in decades
  • The perennial discussion and debate between proponents of active management and passive, index investors

Unloved Bull Markets is the perfect book for investors who seek to base their decisions on data and logic, rather than fears and intuition, and want to focus on the profitable climb instead of distressing worries.

Table of contents

  1. Cover
  2. Title Page
  3. Copyright
  4. Preface
  5. Acknowledgments
  6. About the Author
  7. Introduction
  8. Chapter 1: “Unloved” Bull Markets
    1. Investor Sentiment
    2. Public Funds Pension Plans and Endowments
    3. Anecdotal Examples of Unloved
    4. Confidence
    5. Yields Suggest “Unloved”
    6. Other Assets
    7. Does Rate of Return Matter?
    8. Top Ten Reasons I Missed the Bull Market
    9. Unloved? Why?
  9. Chapter 2: Was the Bull Market Sensible?
    1. Annual Returns
    2. Sectors and Volatility
    3. Earnings
    4. Value
    5. Down Days
    6. Similar Crashes, Similar Recoveries
    7. Summary
  10. Chapter 3: News and Stock Prices
    1. Industry-Specific News
    2. Expectations
  11. Chapter 4: Economic Setting
    1. Europe
    2. China
    3. Economic Surprises
    4. Summary
  12. Chapter 5: Inflation and Interest Rates
    1. Stuck in the 1970s
    2. Phony, Fabricated, and Dangerous
    3. Negative Interest Rates
    4. Why Didn't the Easy Monetary Policy Ignite Inflation?
    5. Capacity Utilization
    6. 2009 Outlook
    7. Velocity of Money
    8. Are Low Interest Rates Rational and Normal?
    9. Summary
  13. Chapter 6: The Federal Reserve and Monetary Policy
    1. Money Supply
    2. Europe and China
    3. Peak Conditions
    4. Neutral Monetary Policy
    5. M1 Not Rates
    6. Summary
  14. Chapter 7: Unemployment
    1. Spending Leads Employment
    2. Phillips Curve
    3. Summary
  15. Chapter 8: Betting on a Lackluster Stock Market and Higher Interest Rates
  16. Chapter 9: Volatility Events
    1. 1990 and 1998
    2. CNBC TV
    3. Value
    4. Setbacks and Theme Reversals
    5. Accepting the Stock Market as It Is
    6. Summary
  17. Chapter 10: Six Pieces of Bad Information
    1. Overpriced?
    2. Deflation
    3. Corporate Buybacks
    4. Lackluster Revenue Growth and Earnings
    5. Corporate Debt
    6. Inverted Yield Curve
    7. Summary
  18. Chapter 11: Active-Passive
    1. Market Capitalization
    2. Value–Growth
    3. Pace
    4. Changing Market Conditions
    5. Behavioral Finance
    6. Passive Investing's Dark Side
    7. Summary
  19. Chapter 12: Strategies
    1. Ten Investment Strategies
    2. Classifying by Strategy
    3. Performance
    4. Factors
    5. Strategies Contributed to “Unloved”?
    6. Summary
  20. Chapter 13: Human Behavior
    1. Short Sellers
    2. Human Behavior–Economic Forecasting
    3. Want to Relive It?
    4. Final Quiz
  21. Chapter 14: And Then It Ended with a Crash
    1. Stock Market Crash
    2. Abnormal Peak
    3. Stunning Visual
  22. Chapter 15: I Want My Money Back
    1. Unloved Rebound
    2. Money Market Fund Assets
    3. Sectors
    4. Strategies
    5. Monetary Policy
    6. Pace
    7. Down Days
    8. Economic Surprise
    9. Unemployment
    10. Value and Sentiment
    11. Top Ten Reasons
    12. Summary
  23. Chapter 16: Conclusion
    1. Perceived Uncertainty
    2. Gains versus Losses
    3. Type 1, Type 2
    4. Half Empty–Partly Cloudy
    5. When Will It End?
  24. Index
  25. End User License Agreement

Product information

  • Title: Unloved Bull Markets
  • Author(s): Craig Callahan
  • Release date: February 2022
  • Publisher(s): Wiley
  • ISBN: 9781119847175