21How Twitter Changed Scott's Business
I'm no stranger to social media or online social networking.1 Ryze.com was one of the first business-oriented sites in the social networking universe, and I built a nice network there both virtually and locally.
Fast-forward to April 2008, when I signed up at Twitter.com. I had heard about it from a few people and decided to throw my hat into the ring, but it didn't do much for me. I tweeted, read about how a few others were eating lunch or talking about their latest blog post, but nothing rocked my world. I used it casually until the end of that year. Then something changed.
I decided to give Twitter one last try. I had gotten up to around 2,000 followers and decided to give it my all for one month, to see if it really was a viable networking tool. So on January 1st, I took my own 30-day Twitter challenge. I would eat, breathe, and almost sleep on Twitter.2 I added TwitterBerry to my BlackBerry, because it allowed me to access Twitter on the go and tweet my heart out. ...
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