Cough cold calling cough
I’m @UnMarketing, just FYI for a place to point your insults.
For those reading this in 2020, “newspapers” were things that used to be delivered door-to-door by kids initially, then creepy dudes in vans at 4 A.M. They were pages of ads with a sprinkle of articles. I know, weird eh?
I think that phrase was made up by an advertising sales rep. Brilliant.
I just jinxed it. Someone is going to write this. I picture a guy with greasy hair that runs multiple free seminars in hotels about how to get rich quick in a time of recession. I go to those events just for the free muffins.
Scalable is the ability to do something in a large amount. An hour of your time isn’t scalable, but an e-book is.
Okay, that would be hilarious.
It’s like having an administrative assistant, but they work from home. I’ve used them for years. I suggest you do, too.
“Represent” does not have to mean direct client contact. If the client works on research, formatting, or e-mail filtering, it can still affect your brand.
This is the great bullet-point cop-out. When someone writes to me and says “You forgot this one!” I can just reply “Ya, that’s what I meant by many, many more!”
Most business owners who say things like they want to “think outside the box” actually want to do the same things in their box, with better results. It takes courage to do something outside the norm. Most owners like the idea of courage, but few display it in business.
They gave ...

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