Calling Blueprint-defined interface functions from C++

While the previous recipes have focused on C++ being usable in Blueprint, such as being able to call functions from C++ in Blueprint, and override C++ functions with Blueprint, this recipe shows you the reverse: calling a Blueprint-defined interface function from C++.

How to do it...

  1. Create a new UInterface called UTalker/ITalker.
  2. Add the following UFUNCTION implementation:
    UFUNCTION(BlueprintNativeEvent, BlueprintCallable, Category = Talk)
    void StartTalking();
  3. Provide a default empty implementation inside the .cpp file:
    void ITalker::StartTalking_Implementation()
  4. Create a new class based on StaticMeshActor.
  5. Add #include and modify the class declaration to include the talker interface:
    #include ...

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