- First, we will need to mark the class as Blueprintable and then add the following members to your UCLASS declaration, which are shown in bold:
/** * UCLASS macro options sets this C++ class to be * Blueprintable within the UE4 Editor */UCLASS( Blueprintable )class CHAPTER_02_API UUserProfile : public UObject{ GENERATED_BODY()public: UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = Stats) float Armor; UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = Stats) float HpMax;};
- Return to Unreal Editor and then hit the Compile button to update our code.
- Once updated, create a blueprint of your UObject class derivative, if it hasn't been created already.
This can be done in the same way that we saw in the previous recipe, ...