Chapter 17Avoid the Brand Attack
More than any other advice businesses ask for help with is how to avoid the attack—the outrage. That is, how can they keep from being Internet famous—and not for their new viral video. Early detection of a brand attack is all about keeping your ear on the pulse of your customers.
I love New York City. After Las Vegas, it is our favorite place in the world. Chelsea Market, Broadway, Shake Shack, Carnegie Deli. I consider the place a home away from home. The problem with New York being a home away from home is that I need to get there. And as much as I love the city, I hate their airports: JFK, LaGuardia, and Newark, the three horsemen of the travel apocalypse. Newark has gotten slightly better in the past few years…but anyway.
So when I found myself in line at JFK security during the dance of the flight attendants, you can guess I wasn't exactly surprised. We got to the airport early, as good Canadians do, and were in line watching other travelers step ahead of us in line because they were late. We get it; you need to make your flight. Who would have thought there'd be traffic in NEW YORK CITY?
Finally, we got to the front of the line and got naked, and I proceeded to push my bucket through the x-ray machine when the dance of the flight attendants began. Have you ever been in line when this happens? I know they need to make it to the plane in time. But the thing is, I also know the first rule of flight club: The plane won't take off without them. ...
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