
You: A Lifelong Learner

1. D. Eagleman, Incognito: The Secret Lives of the Brain (New York: Pantheon, 2011).

1 Your Learning Brain

1. Plato, “The Allegory of the Cave,” The Republic, Book VII.

2. D. Eagleman, The Brain: The Story of You (New York: Pantheon), 793.

3. According to Jerry W. Rudy, in The Neurobiology of Learning and Memory (2014), there are five overlapping stages in how a neuron changes: An impulse comes to a neuron and destabilizes its current structure. Then after about 15 minutes, calcium comes in and works with other chemicals to temporarily rebuild and reorganize things (at this point what you are learning is in your short-term memory). In some cases, the change continues, with more calcium coming in. New proteins are ...

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