Magical Methods
PHP 5 has a few methods that are implicitly invoked behind the
scenes. You’ve already seen two, _ _construct( )
and _ _destruct( )
, but
these are not the only special methods in PHP 5.
There are seven special methods, and they are as follows:
_ _construct( )
Called when instantiating an object
_ _destruct( )
Called when deleting an object
_ _get( )
Called when reading from a nonexistent property
_ _set( )
Called when writing to a nonexistent property
_ _call( )
Called when invoking a nonexistent method
_ _toString( )
Called when printing an object
_ _clone( )
Called when cloning an object
These methods are easy to spot, since they all begin with two
underscores (_ _
_ _get( ) and _ _set( )
You’ve read a lot about
the benefits of encapsulation and why your classes must have accessor
methods. Writing these methods, however, induces numbness as you
repeatedly create methods for each property in your class. PHP 5 has
two special methods, _ _set( )
and _ _get( )
, to ease your pain.
In PHP 4, the only way to handle accessors is to write your own set
of methods for each property. By convention, these methods often
begin with the word set
and end with the property
name. So, to set a Person
’s name,
you call setName( )
Using PHP 4 and accessors, the code looks like this:
class Person { var $name; var $email; function setName($name) { $this->name = $name; } function getName( ) { return $this->name; } } $rasmus = new Person; $rasmus->setName('Rasmus Lerdorf'); print $ramsus->getName( ...
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