

  1. Abstraction

  2. Action diagram

  3. Actuator

  4. ad hoc query

  5. Aggregate data item

  6. Alternate key

  7. Analyze information

  8. Anomaly

  9. Architectural approach

  10. Association

  11. Associative array

  12. Associative entity

  13. Associative record type

  14. Asymmetrical relationship

  15. Atomic data item

  16. Atomicity

  17. Atomicity, consistency, isolation, and durability (ACID)

    1. DBMS

    2. eliminate\reduce

    3. physical database design diagram

    4. steps

    5. updating

  18. Attribute

    1. complexity

    2. domain

    3. source

    4. valuation

    5. value

  19. Attributive entity

  20. Attributive record type


  1. Best practices

  2. Big Data

    1. big

    2. bytes

    3. data warehouse

    4. DSS

    5. technology escalation rules

    6. trade-off triangle

    7. unstructured

  3. Bill of materials

  4. Binary linkages

  5. Binary relationship

  6. Binary search

  7. Bitmaps

  8. Blob

  9. Blocking factor

  10. Branch node

  11. B-tree


  1. Candidate key

  2. Cardinality

  3. Cardinality linkages

    1. many-to-many

    2. one-to-many

    3. one-to-one

  4. Cassandra ...

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