© Joe Attardi 2020
J. AttardiUsing Gatsby and Netlify CMShttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-6297-9_2

2. Gatsby Crash Course

Joe Attardi1 
Billerica, MA, USA

As mentioned in the book’s introduction, familiarity with Gatsby is assumed. But, just in case, this chapter will give a quick overview of the basic concepts in Gatsby.

What is Gatsby?

Gatsby (https://gatsbyjs.org) is a static site generator for React. Pages are created using React components, then are run through a build process which produces static HTML files and associated assets. These assets can then be deployed to a hosting service like Netlify. Despite the name, a site generated by a static site generator can have dynamic content on the client side. Pages can still contain interactive ...

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