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25.1 Getting started
This section tells you what must be running on the system to allow the applications to
Before you can start the applications, the subsystems must be started. On our system, we
issue the following chain of commands to display a list of all active jobs, and to sort them
=a;sd;da;prefix *;sort jobname
Each of the processes listed in Table 25-1 are found to be active.
Table 25-1 Subsystems required for Trader application
25.2 Trader application in CICS
We present here the CICS/VSAM application. The panels and process are also valid for DB2
and IMS data.
25.2.1 Log on to the application
The following steps will start the Trader application:
1. Verify that you have installed this application correctly.
2. Logon to your demonstration CICS region; in our case, it is C001.
3. Enter the transaction MYTD.
4. Enter the user name RB_DEMO and the password xxxx as shown in Figure 25-1.
Jobname Purpose
CICSC001 The CICS demonstration region, in which the CICS, COBOL (and DB2 and IMS)
demo application programs (MYTRADxx) are installed and configured
DBA1MSTR DB2 process
Note: Substitute the appropriate job names for your environment’s CICS, DB2, and IMS
processes, and then verify that they are started and active.
Chapter 25. Guided tour of the Trader application 465
Figure 25-1 CICS Trader Logon panel
25.2.2 Running the Trader application
After the logon, the Company Selection panel is displayed, as shown in Figure 25-2. Select a
company you want to trade.
Figure 25-2 CICS Trader list of companies
Note: In the Trader application, navigation keys are displayed at the bottom of each
screen. PF3 is used to go back to the previous screen (except on the Logon screen) and
PF12 is used to terminate the application.
466 Using IBM Application Development Tools for z/OS and OS/390
The Options panel is displayed, as shown in Figure 25-3.
Figure 25-3 CICS Trader actions available for this company
On this panel, you select the trading option you want to perform:
򐂰 Obtain real-time quotes for a company.
򐂰 Buy additional shares of the company.
򐂰 Sell existing shares of the company.
You continue by selecting each option.
Chapter 25. Guided tour of the Trader application 467
25.2.3 Obtain real-time quotes
The following steps will obtain real-time quotes:
1. Request a list of real-time quotes for the selected company by selecting option 1.
2. Share prices from the prior week are displayed including net present value as shown in
Figure 25-4.
Figure 25-4 CICS Trader quotes
Figure 25-4 displays the price of the company’s share over the past seven days, the number
of shares held, and the value of those shares based on the current day’s price.Data is
retrieved from:
򐂰 The company’s share price is read from the VSAM file DEMOS.PDPAK.COMPFILE
򐂰 The details of the user’s portfolio, (such as the number of shares held), are read from the
Press PF3 to return to the Options panel.
468 Using IBM Application Development Tools for z/OS and OS/390
25.2.4 Buy shares
The following steps will buy shares:
1. Request to buy shares of the selected company by selecting option 2.
2. Enter the number of shares to purchase, as shown in Figure 25-5.
Figure 25-5 CICS Trader buy shares
3. A confirmation message is issued.
The Options panel is re-displayed with a message in the bottom, left-hand corner
indicating the status of the transaction.
Request Completed OK
If the process is successful, the value of the number of shares held is updated in the

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