478 Using IBM Application Development Tools for z/OS and OS/390
We place the cursor on the highlighted area as shown in Figure 26-7 and press Enter. The
panel shown in Figure 26-8 is displayed.
Figure 26-8 Associated Storage Areas
By either scrolling down with PF8 or using the Find command we get the area where the
current record is located in Working-Storage Section as shown in Figure 26-9.
Figure 26-9 Associated Storage Areas
Chapter 26. Scenario 1: Invalid VSAM data generating an abend 479
As we can see in Figure 26-9, the record key is:
We also see the field in error DEC-NO-SHARES which has a value of 0200. DO REMEMBER
THAT THIS IS SHOWN IN EBCDIC. By scrolling to the right with PF11 you will see the HEX
value of the DEC-NO-SHARES as shown in Figure 26-10.
In HEX the value is F0F2F0F0 and that is an invalid value for a COMP-3 field. This is the
reason for the abend.
Figure 26-10 Associated Storage Areas
What we know about the abend so far
Here is what we know:
򐂰 The abending program line number 806
򐂰 Fields involved in abend DEC-NO-SHARES and DECIMAL-SHARE-VALUE
򐂰 Field in error DEC-NO-SHARES with a value of F0F2F0F0
򐂰 The record that contains the field in error
Here is what we do not know:
򐂰 Is the bad data coming from the file that has been read?
򐂰 Is it the program that puts the wrong data in the field?
We will examine these questions in the following section.
480 Using IBM Application Development Tools for z/OS and OS/390
26.2.2 Using Debug Tool to analyze the problem
The first step for debugging the abending program is to define it to Debug Tool using the CICS
transaction DTCN. As shown in Figure 26-11
we define the program MYTRADS and the
userid REDBK3 to Debug Tool, so it is just when the userid REDBK3 runs the program
MYTRADS Debug Tool will be involved. All other parameters on the screen are set at default
by Debug Tool. After entering the values we press PF4 for updating the debug profile.
Figure 26-11 Debug Tool CICS Control - Primary Menu
We now access the Trader application with the MYTD transaction —> Userid=TSDEMO,
password=itso —> 4 = IBM —> 1 = New Real-time quote as shown in Figure 26-12.
Chapter 26. Scenario 1: Invalid VSAM data generating an abend 481
Figure 26-12 Share Trading Manager - Options
482 Using IBM Application Development Tools for z/OS and OS/390
Debug Tool will now be activated for program MYTRADS as shown in Figure 26-13.
Figure 26-13 COBOL Location
What we want to see is the value of the variable DEC-NO-SHARES:
򐂰 Before the record has been read
򐂰 After the record is has been read
To do this we define a pause AT 543 as shown in Figure 26-13
. This is the pause before
reading the record
To list the value of DEC-NO-SHARES in the monitor window we give the command:

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