Chapter 26. Scenario 1: Invalid VSAM data generating an abend 483
The results are shown in Figure 26-14.
Figure 26-14 COBOL Location
After this we press PF9, which instructs Debug Tool to execute the program and the program
will now execute to line 543 where we set the pause. This is shown in Figure 26-15
. Here is
also the value of DEC-NO-SHARES shown in the monitor window. As we can see, the value
is X’00000000’. This is the value before the record has been read.
484 Using IBM Application Development Tools for z/OS and OS/390
Figure 26-15 Pause at line 543
We now set the second pause to get the value of DEC-NO-RECORDS after the record has
been read. This is done by giving the command AT 585, as shown in Figure 26-16.
Figure 26-16 Setting pause at line 585
Chapter 26. Scenario 1: Invalid VSAM data generating an abend 485
WE now press PF9 the program will execute to this line and we will see the value of
DEC-NO-SHARES after that the record has been read as shown in Figure 26-17
. The value is
X’F0F2F0F0’ which is the value we have seen in the dump. Next we use File Manager to
correct the wrong value.
Figure 26-17 Value after record has been read
26.2.3 Using File Manager to correct a problem with data
File Manager is used to correct the invalid data in the application file:
Note: You must close the CUSTFILE in the CICS region before you attempt to edit it. If you
do not, File Manager will display the following error message when you edit the file:
VSAM OPEN RC X'08', Error Code X'A8
򐂰 Call the CEMT transaction: CEMT Set File (CUSTFILE) and press Enter.
򐂰 Close the file by overtyping Ope by Clo and Ena par Dis.
486 Using IBM Application Development Tools for z/OS and OS/390
1. Access File Manager in your ISPF session.
2. Go to Edit data (option 2).
3. Enter the VSAM data set name, copybook data set name and starting position TSDEMO
as shown in Figure 26-18.
Figure 26-18 File Manager Edit Entry panel
After pressing Enter in the panel shown in Figure 26-18, the panel shown in Figure 26-19 will
appear and display records containing TSDEMO as value of the CUST-NM.
Figure 26-19 File Manager
Chapter 26. Scenario 1: Invalid VSAM data generating an abend 487
We press PF11 to scroll to the right, finding the invalid data. File Manager displays the invalid
data as a string of highlighted asterisks as shown in Figure 26-20.
Figure 26-20 Edit
We place the cursor on the record containing the invalid data (remember that the record had
the key TSDEMO.IBM) and press PF2 to display the record in SNGL format as shown in
Figure 26-21
. We can also change the record in the figure above, the steps below are just to
show the same action performed in SNGL mode.
Figure 26-21 Edit

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