208 Using IBM Application Development Tools for z/OS and OS/390
6.1 Setting default values
Option 6 (Set Your Defaults) should be used to set your defaults as shown in Figure 6-1.
Figure 6-1 Set Defaults
The default selection contains two sub-menus as shown in Figure 6-2 that let you set:
򐂰 The maximum number of samples that should be taken
򐂰 The maximum length of time Application Monitor should analyze a program
򐂰 Whether DB2 Data should be analyzed for every job
򐂰 Whether Delay information should be collected for every job
򐂰 Whether Data Set information should be collected for every job
򐂰 Default format and naming style for history data sets
򐂰 Whether you should be prompted to keep the history file
򐂰 COBOL listing data set
򐂰 PL/I listing data set
These fields are used when option 1 (Select an Active Job to analyze) is used. Many of these
fields can be overridden when using option 2 (Analyze a Specified Job) or option 4 (Schedule
a Deferred Monitoring Request) to collect the application performance data.

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