
temp_store_directory — Control the temporary file storage location

Common Usage

PRAGMA temp_store_directory;
PRAGMA temp_store_directory = 'directory_path';


The temp_store_directory pragma gets or sets the location used for temporary database files. This pragma does not change the location of journal files. If the specified location is not found or is not writable, an error is generated.

To revert the directory to its default value, set directory_path to a zero-length string. The default value (as well as the interpretation of this value) is OS dependent.

Changing this pragma will cause all temporary databases (and the data they contain) to be deleted. Setting this pragma is not thread-safe. Ideally, this pragma should only be set as soon as the main database is opened.

Many temporary databases are never actually created on the filesystem, even if they’re set to use a file for storage. Those files that are created are typically opened and then immediately deleted. Opening and deleting a file keeps the file active in the filesystem, but removes it from the directory listing. This prevents other processes from seeing or accessing the file, and guarantees the file will be fully deleted, even if the application crashes.

See Also


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