Chapter 13
Measuring Your UX to Keep It Relevant
In This Chapter
Ensuring your UX is always relevant
Learning what to measure
Understanding how metrics work
Discovering which tools and approaches will position you for success
If you can’t measure something, you can’t understand it.
— H. James Harrington
Successful UX is predicated upon meeting users' needs. Frequently, UX is digital, and in today’s world technology evolves at an astounding pace, with new inventions entering the market weekly. And as technology evolves so will user behavior, and thus new user needs arise and existing behaviors adapt. Take, for example, wearable glasses that capture video and images and enable users to record exactly what it is that they are seeing. A person no longer needs to take out a camera or phone to snap an image; eyewear with embedded cameras enables her to do it immediately. As more people adopt this type of technology, users’ expectations of how they capture video and images will evolve. But measuring UX performance relates to both the audience and the channel.
Trends show that different ...
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