

Absolute priority, 295


asset impairment, 297

asset restructuring, 318324

fresh-start, 297

goodwill, 67, 158161

goodwill in EVA, 404405

mergers, 158160

negative goodwill, 159160

pooling, 159, 404405

purchase, 159

recapitalization, 427428

troubled debt restructuring, 297

Accretion-dilution analysis, 169171, 179

Adjusted present value (APV), 96112

compressed, 104106

HLF calculator, 361

leverage above target, 101102

original, 96102, 279280, 307, 312

recursive, 102104

American depository receipts (ADRs), 224, 357

Appraisal rights, 154

Arbitrage pricing theory, 5455

Arbitrage pricing, 132

Asset disposition, 320322

Asset purchase. See Mergers and acquisitions

Asset restructuring, 318342

Asset turnover ratio, 16, 115


Balance sheet adjustments, 2729

Balance sheet, 1011, 179180, 396397

Beta, 15, 37, 48

adjusted, 48

estimation, 48, 5152, 5758

levering/unlevering, 4850

Black-Scholes formula, 347, 428429

Break-even synergies, 167168

Brownian motion, 134, 144, 411


Cancellation of indebtedness (COD), 298299

Capital assets pricing model (CAPM), 37, 5052

Capital expenditures

in debt capacity, 123, 126

in economic value added, 88

in free cash flow, 13

Capital leases, 67

Carve outs, 321323

Cash and marketable securities, 28

Cash flow statement, 12, 397

Cash flow to equity, 2122

Changing capital structure, 9697

recursive WACC, 102104

Class shares. See Tracking stock

Collars, 223224, 228232

Comparables, 6670

Conglomerates, 318320

Consensus ...

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