Absolute priority, 295
asset impairment, 297
fresh-start, 297
purchase, 159
troubled debt restructuring, 297
Accretion-dilution analysis, 169–171, 179
Adjusted present value (APV), 96–112
HLF calculator, 361
leverage above target, 101–102
original, 96–102, 279–280, 307, 312
American depository receipts (ADRs), 224, 357
Appraisal rights, 154
Arbitrage pricing theory, 54–55
Arbitrage pricing, 132
Asset purchase. See Mergers and acquisitions
Balance sheet adjustments, 27–29
Balance sheet, 10–11, 179–180, 396–397
adjusted, 48
Black-Scholes formula, 347, 428–429
Brownian motion, 134, 144, 411
Cancellation of indebtedness (COD), 298–299
Capital assets pricing model (CAPM), 37, 50–52
Capital expenditures
in economic value added, 88
in free cash flow, 13
Capital leases, 67
Cash and marketable securities, 28
Changing capital structure, 96–97
Class shares. See Tracking stock
Consensus ...
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