Value Negotiation: How to Finally Get the Win-win Right

Book description

Value Negotiation: How to Finally Get the Win-Win Right examines the complicated world of negotiation and provides a simple and practical approach in helping negotiators learn how to consistently deliver the highest possible value at the lowest possible risk in the widest range of situations. The textbook consists of three parts: in Become a Negotiator, challenge yourself to rethink your foundations and assumptions about negotiation, in Prepare for Negotiation, find out how to choose a negotiation goal and strategy, and anticipate critical moments during negotiation and in Negotiate!, uncover how you can connect with negotiating parties, work towards gaining mutual value, and finally, make the best possible decision. In each part, a wide variety of dialogues, scenarios, discussion questions and exercises have been specially designed to prepare you for commonly experienced situations and settings in negotiation. For university professors, adopting the Value Negotiation book entitles you to request a comprehensive Instructor’s Package that includes an Instructor’s Manual and a set of teaching slides.

Table of contents

  1. Title Page
  2. Copyright Page
  3. Dedication
  4. Contents
  5. Foreword
  6. Preface
    1. Value Negotiation
    2. The Book
    3. Instructor’s Package
  7. Acknowledgments
  8. 01. Introduction
    1. On Choices and Focus
    2. Why Value Negotiation?
    3. A Book for Negotiators
    4. How This Book is Organized
    5. Part 1 – Become a Negotiator
    6. Part 2 – Prepare for the Negotiation
    7. Part 3 – Negotiate
  9. Part 1: Become a Negotiator
    1. Value Negotiation: A Map
    2. 02. Understanding Negotiation
      1. Negotiation Defined
      2. So How did Negotiation Come to Be?
      3. The Future of Negotiation in the Making
      4. Summary
      5. Questions
      6. Scenarios
    3. 03. Challenge Your Negotiation Foundations
      1. Value Foundation
      2. Relationship Foundation
      3. Communication Foundation
      4. Summary
      5. Questions
      6. Scenarios
  10. Part 2: Prepare for the Negotiation!
    1. Value Negotiation: A Map
    2. 04. Choose our Goal
      1. When Winning is Losing
      2. Avoiding the Relative Goal Trap
      3. The Pros and Cons of Complexity
      4. The Seven Elements of Negotiation
      5. Defining an Absolutely Great Deal
      6. Summary
      7. Questions
      8. Scenarios
    3. 05. Choose our Strategy
      1. Win-Lose Strategies
      2. Win-Win Strategies
      3. Win-Win Processes
      4. More Than One?
      5. Summary
      6. Questions
      7. Scenarios
    4. 06. Anticipate the Critical Moments
      1. Initiating the Interaction (Relationship)
      2. Defining the Process (Communication)
      3. Talking about Value (Interests)
      4. Coming Up with Solutions (Options)
      5. Making the Opening Offer or Counteroffer (Legitimacy)
      6. Accepting or Rejecting an Offer (Commitment)
      7. Deciding to Walk Away (Alternatives)
      8. Summary
      9. Questions
      10. Scenarios
  11. Part 3: Negotiate!
    1. The Value Negotiation Process
    2. Build the Bridge
    3. The Value Pursuit
    4. Make the Best Possible Decision
    5. Step 1 – Build the Bridge
    6. 07. Relationship
      1. Relationship Redefined
      2. Promote Interdependence
      3. Build Trust
      4. Summary
      5. Questions
      6. Scenarios
    7. 08. Communication
      1. Information Asymmetry: The Source of (Almost) All Evil
      2. The Dialogue Pattern: From Two- to Three-Way Communication
      3. Summary
      4. Questions
      5. Scenarios
    8. 09. Powerful Openings: Building a Solid Bridge Quickly
      1. Relationship
      2. Communication
      3. Summary
      4. Questions
      5. Scenarios
      6. Step 2 – The Value Pursuit
    9. 10. Value Discovery
      1. Understanding Value
      2. Discovering Value
      3. Summary
      4. Questions
      5. Scenarios
    10. 11. Value Creation
      1. Understanding Value Creation
      2. Creating Value
      3. Overcoming Value-Creation Enemies
      4. Summary
      5. Questions
      6. Scenarios
    11. 12. Value Claiming
      1. The Most Dangerous Step?
      2. Claim Value, not Numbers!
      3. Summary
      4. Questions
      5. Scenarios
      6. Step 3 – Make the Best Possible Decision
    12. 13. Commitments
      1. Making a Decision
      2. Yes or No?
      3. Summary
      4. Questions
      5. Scenarios
    13. 14. Alternatives
      1. The All-Too-Powerful BATNA
      2. BATNA as a Win-Win Tool?
      3. Summary
      4. Questions
      5. Scenarios
    14. 15. Conclusion: On Power and Ethics
      1. Negotiation and Power
      2. Negotiation Ethics
      3. Summary
      4. Questions
      5. Scenarios
  12. Bibliography
  13. Index

Product information

  • Title: Value Negotiation: How to Finally Get the Win-win Right
  • Author(s): Horacio Falcão
  • Release date: December 2012
  • Publisher(s): Pearson
  • ISBN: 9780133410037