Appendix F. VB 6 Language Elements Not Supported by VB .NET

This appendix provides an alphabetical list of language elements that are present in VB 6 but are not supported by VB .NET.



Array function

Returns a variant array whose elements contain the values passed as arguments to the function

AscB function

Returns an integer representing the character code of the first byte of a string

Atn function

Returns the arctangent of a number; replaced by the Atan method in the System.Math class

Calendar property

Determines whether a project should use the Gregorian or Hijri calendar

CCur function

Converts an expression into a Currency data type

ChrB function

Returns the character corresponding to an 8-bit character code

Close statement

Closes a file opened with the Open statement

CVar function

Converts an expression into a Variant data type

CVDate function

Returns a Date variant

CVErr function

Returns an error from a procedure

Date, Date$ functions

Return the current system date

Date statement

Sets the current system date


Sends output to the Immediate window

DefBool statement

Defines all otherwise undeclared variables beginning with particular alphabetical characters as Boolean

DefByte statement

Defines all otherwise undeclared variables beginning with particular alphabetical characters as Byte

DefCur statement

Defines all otherwise undeclared variables beginning with particular alphabetical characters as Currency ...

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