Debug.Print Method


object.Print [outputlist]


Use: Required

Data Type: Debug object

Always evaluates to the Debug object.


Use: Optional

Data Type: String

Expression or list of expressions to print. If omitted, a blank line is printed (for details, see the following table).

Output Syntax

{Spc(n) | Tab(n)} expression

Spc( n)

Use: Optional

Inserts n space characters in the output string.

Tab( n)

Use: Optional

Inserts a Tab character at position n.


Use: Optional

Numeric or string expression to print in the Immediate window.


Use: Optional

Determines the position of the next character.


Prints text in the Immediate pane of the Debug window in the design-time environment.

Rules at a Glance

  • expression can include literal, numeric, string, and variant data.

  • If charpos is a semicolon (;), the next character immediately follows the last character of expression. For example:

    Debug.Print sFileName; iFileNo
  • The Tab(n) argument doesn't actually insert any tab characters (Chr(9)); it fills the space from the end of the last expression to column n (or to the start of the next print zone) with space characters.

  • You can also use Tab(n) as the charpos argument to position the next character at an absolute column number.

  • If charpos is omitted, a carriage return is appended to expression, and the next character is printed on the next line.

  • Use the & concatenation character to create an output string from several elements.

  • The Debug.Print ...

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