


Type is a MustInherit base class that encapsulates the metadata for any .NET type. You can get a Type object by using the System.Object.GetType() method, which is inherited by all .NET types, or by the VB.NET GetType function.

The Type is used most often for reflection. You can get a complete description of an object’s metadata, including information about the constructors, methods, fields, properties, and events of a class, as well as the module and the assembly in which the class is deployed by using it. Do this by using the supplied Get methods, such as GetEvents() and GetConstructors(), which return arrays of the appropriate System.Reflection class. You can also use the singular methods, such as GetEvent(), to retrieve a single type object that matches specific criteria. Note that all members can be retrieved, including inherited, private, and protected members.

Public MustInherit Class Type : Inherits System.Reflection.MemberInfo : Implements System.Reflection.IReflect
' Protected Constructors
   Protected Sub New() 
' Public Shared Fields
   Public Shared ReadOnly Delimiter As Char                      // =&H00000002E
   Public Shared ReadOnly EmptyTypes As Type()                   // =System.Type()
   Public Shared ReadOnly FilterAttribute As MemberFilter        // =System.Reflection.MemberFilter
   Public Shared ReadOnly FilterName As MemberFilter             // =System.Reflection.MemberFilter
   Public Shared ReadOnly FilterNameIgnoreCase As MemberFilter    // =System.Reflection.MemberFilter
   Public Shared ReadOnly Missing As Object ...

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