This class provides shared helper functions for many
trigonometric, logarithmic, and other mathematical operations,
including methods for rounding numbers, getting absolute
values, retrieving the largest whole divisor
), and determining the
remainder (IEEERemainder()
The constants pi and e are provided as fields.
Public NotInheritable Class Math ' Public Shared Fields Public const E As Double // =2.71828182845905 Public const PI As Double // =3.14159265358979 ' Public Shared Methods Public Shared Function Abs( ByVal value As Decimal) As Decimal Public Shared Function Abs( ByVal value As Double) As Double Public Shared Function Abs( ByVal value As Short) As Short Public Shared Function Abs( ByVal value As Integer) As Integer Public Shared Function Abs( ByVal value As Long) As Long Public Shared Function Abs( ByVal value As SByte) As SByte Public Shared Function Abs( ByVal value As Single) As Single Public Shared Function Acos( ByVal d As Double) As Double Public Shared Function Asin( ByVal d As Double) As Double Public Shared Function Atan( ByVal d As Double) As Double Public Shared Function Atan2(ByVal y As Double, ByVal x As Double) As Double Public Shared Function Ceiling( ByVal a As Double) As Double Public Shared Function Cos( ByVal d As Double) As Double Public Shared Function Cosh( ByVal value As Double) As Double Public Shared Function Exp( ByVal d As Double) As Double Public Shared Function Floor( ByVal d As Double) As Double Public Shared Function ...
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