
Public Statement


[Overrides] [Shadows] Public [WithEvents] varname[([subscripts])] _
   [As [New]  type] [, [WithEvents] _
   varname[([subscripts])] [As [New] type]] ...
Overrides (optional; Keyword)

In a derived class definition, indicates that a variable overrides a similar variable in a base class

Shadows (optional; Keyword)

In a derived class definition, indicates that calls to derived class members that are made through a base class ignore the shadowed implementation

WithEvents (optional; Keyword)

A keyword that denotes the object variable, varname, can respond to events triggered from within the object to which it refers

varname (required; String literal)

The name of the variable, which must follow Visual Basic naming conventions

subscripts (optional; Numeric constant or literal)

Denotes varname as an array and specifies the dimensions and number of elements of the array

New (optional; Keyword)

Used to automatically create an instance of the object referred to by the object variable, varname

type (optional)

Data type of the variable varname


Used at module level to declare a public variable and allocate the relevant storage space in memory.

A Public variable has both project-level scope — that is, it can be used by all procedures in all modules in the project — and, when used in a Class module, it can have scope outside the project.

The Public keyword also applies to procedures and class modules.

Rules at a Glance

  • The behavior of a Public variable depends on ...

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