Appendix D. Locale IDs
The following table lists the locale IDs used by the GetLocale and SetLocale functions. The GetLocale function returns a Long containing the decimal locale ID. In most cases, the SetLocale function accepts a locale ID in the form of a decimal, a hexadecimal, or a string value.
Locale | Decimal ID | Hex ID | String ID |
Afrikaans | 1078 | &h0436 | |
Albanian | 1052 | &h041C | |
Arabic (No location) | 1 | &h0001 | |
Arabic (United Arab Emirates) | 14337 | &h3801 | |
Arabic (Bahrain) | 15361 | &h3C01 | |
Arabic (Algeria) | 5121 | &h1401 | |
Arabic (Egypt) | 3073 | &h0C01 | |
Arabic (Iraq) | 2049 | &h0801 | |
Arabic (Jordan) | 11265 | &h2C01 | |
Arabic (Kuwait) | 13313 | &h3401 | |
Arabic (Lebanon) | 12289 | &h3001 | |
Arabic (Libya) | 4097 | &h1001 | |
Arabic (Morocco) | 6145 | &h1801 | |
Arabic (Oman) | 8193 | &h2001 | |
Arabic (Qatar) | 16385 | &h4001 | |
Arabic (Saudi Arabia) | 1025 | &h0401 | |
Arabic (Syria) | 10241 | &h2801 | |
Arabic (Tunisia) | 7169 | &h1C01 | |
Arabic (Yemen) | 9217 | &h2401 | |
Azeri (Latin) | 1068 | &h042C | |
Basque | 1069 | &h042D | |
Belarusian | 1059 | &h0423 | |
Bulgarian | 1026 | &h0402 | |
Catalan | 1027 | &h0403 | |
Chinese (No location) | 4 | &h0004 | |
Chinese (China) | 2052 | &h0804 | |
Chinese (Hong Kong S.A.R.) | 3076 | &h0C04 | |
Chinese (Singapore) | 4100 | &h1004 | |
Chinese (Taiwan) | 1028 | &h0404 | |
Croatian | 1050 | &h041A | |
Czech | 1029 | &h0405 | |
Danish | 1030 | &h0406 | |
Dutch (The Netherlands) | 1043 | &h0413 | |
Dutch (Belgium) | 2067 | &h0813 | |
English (No location) | 9 | &h0009 | |
English (Australia) | 3081 | &h0C09 | |
English (Belize) | 10249 | &h2809 | |
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