
802.1Q VLAN tagging, 77


access, ESX 4.1

SSH (Secure Shell), 52–53

vSphere client, 51–52

Active Directory Interface (vCenter), 138

Additional Services (vCenter), 138


Fiber Channel, 104–107

iSCSI, 109

administration (vCenter), 135, 139, 154–155

blueprint, 137–139

Client Settings, 160

clustering, 162–164

clusters, 152–153

database design, 140–142

datacenters, 151–152

folders, 151

functional inventory design, 150–153

HA (high availability), 162

hardware requirements, 139

Heartbeat, 162

installation, 142–144

installing, 136–137

licensing, 145, 147–149

linked mode, 155

Lockdown mode, 159

maximums, 160–161

plug-ins, 160

server backup, 162

software requirements, 139–140

vSphere client tabs, 155–159

Administration tab (vSphere client), ...

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