Appendix C Symbols

Table C.1 Greek Symbols I

αs Absorption coefficient
βx,βy,βz Positive rotation around x, y, and z-axis
Δω Angular frequency bandwidth
ΔT Sampling interval
α Decay rate
αx Strain damping coefficient
δ() Dirac delta function
δBC Correction factor for certain boundary condition
ζ Critical damping ratio
η Damping loss factor
ηm,ηmm Damping loss factor of mth system
ηmn Coupling loss factor of system m to n
ϑ Azimuthal angle
κ=cv/cp Specific heat ratio
λ Wavelength, first Lamé coefficient
μ Frequency ratio, ratio factor
ν Poisson ratio
ρ Density
ρfg Correlation between f and g
ϕ Phase angle
φ Polar angle
Φ Velocity potential (chapter 2)
Φn Normalized mode shape
Ψn Mode shape
ΨL/S Amplitude of plate longitudinal and shear wave
ΨB1/2 Amplitude of evanescent and propagating plate bending waves
Π Power
Πin Input power
Πij Transmitted power from subsystem i to j

Table C.2 Greek Symbols II

σ Stress
σrad Radiation efficiency
σ Surface porosity
τ Decay rate
τmn Transmission coefficient
ϕ Wave incident angle
ζ=cv/cvc Ratio of viscous to critical viscous damping
ω Angular frequency
ω0 Angular resonance frequency of undamped harmonic oscillator
ωd Angular resonance frequency of damped harmonic oscillator
ωd Angular frequency of maximum amplitude of damped harmonic oscillator
ωn Modal angular frequency of mode n
ωs=2π/Δt Angular sampling frequency

Table C.3 Capital latin Symbols ...

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