Appendix C Symbols
Table C.1 Greek Symbols I
Absorption coefficient | |
Positive rotation around , , and -axis | |
Angular frequency bandwidth | |
Sampling interval | |
Decay rate | |
Strain damping coefficient | |
Dirac delta function | |
Correction factor for certain boundary condition | |
Critical damping ratio | |
Damping loss factor | |
Damping loss factor of th system | |
Coupling loss factor of system to | |
Azimuthal angle | |
Specific heat ratio | |
Wavelength, first Lamé coefficient | |
Frequency ratio, ratio factor | |
Poisson ratio | |
Density | |
Correlation between and | |
Phase angle | |
Polar angle | |
Velocity potential (chapter 2) | |
Normalized mode shape | |
Mode shape | |
Amplitude of plate longitudinal and shear wave | |
Amplitude of evanescent and propagating plate bending waves | |
Power | |
Input power | |
Transmitted power from subsystem to |
Table C.2 Greek Symbols II
Stress | |
Radiation efficiency | |
Surface porosity | |
Decay rate | |
Transmission coefficient | |
Wave incident angle | |
Ratio of viscous to critical viscous damping | |
Angular frequency | |
Angular resonance frequency of undamped harmonic oscillator | |
Angular resonance frequency of damped harmonic oscillator | |
Angular frequency of maximum amplitude of damped harmonic oscillator | |
Modal angular frequency of mode | |
Angular sampling frequency |
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