12 Industrial Cases

In the preceding chapters all examples were rather simple and academic cases so that they can be retraced by the reader. This chapter is about industrial examples dealing with practical and complex cases. Thus, the models presented here rely on commercial software tools, namely NASTRANTM for pure FE models or VAOneTM from ESI-Group and Wave6TM from Dassault Systems as hybrid FEM/SEA solvers. All software tools have various materials, properties, and subsystem formulations implemented that allow the consideration of realistic technical systems.

The examples are presented briefly but will outline the basic ideas and point out typical challenges. A detailed description and derivation of the vibroacoustic models is out of the scope of this textbook. In fact, some of the presented examples are subject to complete masters and PhD theses, which are referenced for further reading.

However, the aim is to give a summary about simulation strategy for important applications. This means that we need to decide which subsystems are to be considered as deterministic and which are random for the interesting frequency range and how should the global system be divided into subsystems. Furthermore, it is important to develop a strategy for what is not included in the model, because not every detail can be included.

Special thanks goes to Ulf Orrenius1 who wrote the train and motivation section of this chapter. With his experience and knowledge, this chapter could be enriched ...

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